Dear Friends,
As the situation continues to progress with the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, we at Palace Law also continue to take steps to further ensure everyone’s safety and health, and to work to honor and serve the needs of the greater community, particularly the needs our most vulnerable. Palace Law has always put the health of injured people first and for 25 years has been an advocate for your rights, health, and safety. For these reasons we are putting in place the next level of safety measures consistent with the orders today from Governor Inslee, and the recommendations from the Dept of Health.
The following changes will begin March 17, 2020, at Palace Law and continue until further notice:
- The Palace Law team will be working remotely. The law office operations will remain fully in place and working, as usual, however, the Palace Law office building will be closed. There will be no changes to our office hours, your ability to timely and effectively communicate with us, or the administration of your claims. Our office can fully operate remotely and many of our staff have been working remotely for over a year.
- All currently scheduled in-person meetings are being rescheduled by phone or video conference via Zoom. This includes vocational meetings, new and current client meetings. If you have a meeting scheduled, you may expect contact from our staff in the immediate future.
- All further communication will be by phone, email, text message, Clio connect or by Zoom as needed. There will not be any in-person meetings.
- There will be no “drop-in” meetings. ALL meetings will be by phone or Zoom.
- Palace Law will have video conference capabilities via Zoom and meetings that are best-served face to face will be scheduled for video conferences. Simple instructions for participating in Zoom conferences will be provided to you in advance. Zoom connects to all smartphones, laptops, PCs, and tablets without cost to you or commitments to Zoom. The Zoom download is free and easy. Downloads may be needed for some smart devices.
- All benefit checks will be either mailed or direct deposited, consistent with how you have received checks in the past. Timeloss checks will be mailed. Pension checks will be deposited or mailed. If you have been picking up your check, it will now be mailed. There will be no in-person pick up at Palace Law Office.
It is my hope that these measures will not last long, but for now, they will remain in place until prudent and responsible to change them. This is a time when we all must work together to protect our community, our loved ones, and especially our most vulnerable.
Please be safe, exercise self-isolation and social distancing. Thank you, my friends.
Patrick Palace
Palace Law
[email protected]
Twitter: @palacelaw
Workers Compensation, Personal Injury, Civil Rights