About Brian
Brian Smalley is one of our workers’ compensation paralegals.
What did you learn on the job that everyone should know?
For the job, or life in general, “The Four Agreements”, a short book by Miguel Ruiz, offers practical goals that I can strive to achieve each day, 1) Be impeccable with your word; 2) Don’t take anything personally; 3)Don’t make assumptions; 4)Always do your best.
What’s the most interesting case you’ve worked on?
Every case is interesting because every case has a story. To the injured worker, their injury may be a life-changing event. The injured worker deserves not just great legal guidance but compassion, respect, and dignity. I often tell our clients that this can be a difficult process but you don’t have to do it alone and together we”ll get through it.
What legal wisdom do you give your friends and family?
I always recommend using the right tool for the job and if the job requires an attorney get one and listen to them.